CreedsPush Up

Текст песни

I got that good stuff that you want
I got that good stuff that you want
I got that good stuff that you want
I got that good stuff that you want

I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey

I got that good stuff that you want
I got that good stuff that you want

I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey

I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey

I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be, your pusher

I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey

I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey
I got that good stuff that you want
Let me be your pusher, pusher, pusher ey

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